In this page you can find all possible ways to come to Ouranoupolis.

Departing from Thessaloniki, find on our map all possible ways to Ouranoupolis.

Α) By car, you can choose:
- either one of the ways found on the map,
- or Egnatia motorway and exit at Asprovalta:

Driving from Thessaloniki to Ouranoupolis

Β) By bus of Halkidiki Bus Service.
Their central station in Thessaloniki, is at the 9th km of Thessaloniki - Moudania national road.
Tel: 2310.316.555 / 2310.316.565 / 2310.316.575.
You can also reach the terminal, using the city-buses.
For the current bus time tables, please visit their official web-site: Bus web page